Coffee Club with EAVE (European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs)

August 18, 2022
at 11:00 am

In August, Satu Elo (Deputy CEO & Manager of the EAVE Producers Workshop) will present European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs and the EAVE Producers Workshop to us at the Filmnetzwerk Coffee Club.

European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs (EAVE) is a professional training, project development and networking organization for audiovisual producers from different regions with focus on the European Cinema Production. Founded in 1988, EAVE has been a major agent in improving production methods, encouraging cooperation across the world and building a network of active European producers and industry professionals.

EAVE Producers Workshop is a year long programme for film producers focused on three intensive weeks featuring professional development through working on the development of fiction, documentary and TV series projects. The training is aimed at producers who are already working in the film and television industries and wish to expand their operation internationally by increasing their knowledge of producing and co-producing in Europe and by building up a pan European professional network. Each year fifty participants are selected from most of the EU countries and beyond and take part in three one-week long workshops which will take place in March 2023 in Luxembourg, June 2023 in Alpbach (AT) and October 2023 in the Netherlands.

Before the upcoming application deadline for the EAVE Producers Workshop 2023 (August 29th), Satu Elo will give you an overview of the activities of EAVE, tell you more about the Producers Workshop and answer your questions.

The Coffee Club is an open format for all professional filmmakers and members of the film industry in Berlin. After the introduction of our guests, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, exchange ideas and make new contacts.

You can find the audio recording of the event here.