5th Film Network Pitch @ achtung berlin film festival

April 22, 2022
at 3:00 pm

The 5th Film Network Pitch will take place in cooperation with the achtung berlin film festival again this year on April 22nd 2022.

The Film Network Pitch is a showcase for film talents from Berlin. During the industry days of the achtung berlin film festival, a selection of Berlin screenwriters, directors and producers present their film projects to an professional audience and receive professional feedback afterwards.

There will be pitches from the fields of fiction and non-fiction for all platforms, projects that are in the stage of development to pre-production.

During a short talk after the pitch, the filmmakers will discuss open questions with industry experts Ben Harris (Manager Grow Creative, Netflix), Milada Kolberg (Head of Acquisitions, X Verleih) and Roxana Richters (Producer, Chromosom Film After the pitches, a small reception will provide an opportunity to further exchange ideas about the projects and network. The event will be moderated by Gabriele Brunnenmeyer.

When?          Friday, April 22nd, 3 – 4:30 pm followed by a reception
Where?         Grüner Salon of the Volksbühne, Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz 2, 10178 Berlin

The 5th Film Network Pitch @ achtung berlin is an event for industry professionals and for members of the Film Network. For capacity reasons, participation is by invitation only. We invite interested professionals from the fields of production, distribution and funding to register via email to info@filmnetzwerk-berlin.de by April 20th.

The pitch will take place in compliance with the current COVID-19 regulations.